by Jay Reynolds
The idea that jets are 'spraying'
harmful substances has spawned a
thriving cottage industry in products
to protect yourself, "informational" material, and could
become a big boon to the analytical labs as people scrape windshields
and other surfaces endlessly searching for the elusive "bio/chem
agents" .
In this article I will
outline just how much and where a person can waste their hard
earned money, and thus enrich some of the same people that started
and promoted the scare in the beginning.
Bacteriological Warfare: A Major Threat to North America, by
Larry Wayne Harris. Available from Virtue, 800-984-7883, for $28.50. Videotape: $29.95.(Self-described
former CIA employee Harris is the source of the rumors of biological
Clouds of Secrecy :
The Army's Germ-Warfare Tests over Populated Areas by Leonard
A. Cole, Hardcover: Rowman & Littlefield, March 1989 ISBN:
0847675793, $47.50. Paperback: available from Littlefield
Adams, $14.95, 301-459-3366. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED - WT
$5.00- We have developed a product that will
not only highlight the contrails and make them more visible, but
protect your eyes from the UV rays as well as the gunk that may
fall in your eyes.
If you feel like an unwilling test subject, order a T-shirt for
$15.00 and have $5.00 go to William Thomas (
to help with his fight for information on the things that you
won't find out about on TV! (Please add $2.50 S/H). Total- $17.50
"What to do for health protection from poisonous jet sprayings"
$30.00- Bandit Scarf (with activated carbon)
one size fits all. blue AMS1, gray AMS2, red AMS3
$100 Dust Eater electrostatic air filter catches
down to .3 micron, washable, installs in place of normal filter
in forced-air heating/air-conditioning systems. specify width
of 1/2", 1", or 2". specify height and length.
$259.89- pure carbon household and auto air filter
$79.00- 2 week supply of chemical-detox herbal
formula to remove the contrail chemicals
$250.00 - Beck blood electrification device
Willliam Thomas has removed advertising for his
USANA products from his website as of 3/16/99.
The quotes below were previously present at his website .
- by William Thomas
$$??- If you can contribute toward my CDN
$1,250 air fare - I would really appreciate your help in making
this happen. Right now I am scrambling to cover these and other
related costs. Please send your "just-in-time" donation
to: William Thomas
$15.00- Santa Fe "Multimedia" chemtrail
event featured William Thomas as speaker, with fog generators,
slide show
$7.00- for a bottle of Doxycycline antibiotic-"If
you are lab-tested "positive" for mycoplasma infection,
repeated courses of the antibiotic Doxycycline can knock out this
bug."- William Thomas
O2 Mega 8oz bottle $49.95
&O2 Mega - WaterDisinfectant
8oz bottle $49.95
"Oxygen therapy can be
very effective in relieving chemtrail reactions and fortifying
the immune system."- William Thomas & "as advertised
$899.00 +$25.00 SH HVDC Colloidal Silver Generator- "When
this liquid is consumed, viruses, bacteria and toxins adhere to
the suspended silver and are flushed rapidly from the body."
-William Thomas
$62.95 (one month supply)"Since then, daily
supplementation with USANA ("Perfect Health") has allowed
me to so far ward off flu, colds and chemtrail exposures."-
William Thomas
$200-$300- Sample analysis- "Tell the lab
techs to look for Psuedomonas pathogens, toxic molds and/or traces
of silica and mica, iron oxide and carbon black - as well as "markers"
for jet fuel."- William Thomas
$239.00 -"for those interested in maximum
protection, a surplus M40/42 US military mask - “Protects
against: chemical and biological agent vapors, aerosols, toxins.”
$20.00- First Contrail Television Documentary
by Technology Trends
Hosted By: Dr Patrick Bailey & Charles Grotsky
Book "Bacteriological Warfare.."
$29.95- Video "Bacteriological Warfare.."
$47.50- Book "Clouds of Secrecy"
$5.00-- Contrail protective glasses
$17.50- Contrail Tee Shirt ($5.00 goes to William Thomas)
$30.00- Bandit Scarf
$100.00- Dust Eater Electrostatic Filter
$259.89- pure carbon household and auto air filter
$79.00- 2 week supply of chemical-detox herbal
$250.00 - Beck blood electrification device
$$??- contribution towards William Thomas' CDN $1,250 air fare
$15.00- Santa Fe "Multimedia" chemtrail event featured
William Thomas
$7.00- for a bottle of Doxycycline antibiotic
$49.95- O2 Mega 8oz bottle
$899.00 +$25.00 -SH HVDC Colloidal Silver Generator
$62.95 -one month supply USANA Vitamins
$200-$300- Sample analysis
$239.00 -M40/42 US military gas mask
$20.00- Contrail Television Documentary
(plus- consumable items such as vitamins
must reorder frequently)
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