Contrail Photo Gallery
special, historic,
and unusual contrail photos
B- 1 Bomber with normal "aerodynamic"
contrails forming along tips and trailing edge of wings due to
low pressure areas causing condensation of moisture in the air.
These are falsely called "MEGASPRAYERS" by the 'chemtrail'
A flight of B-17 bombers circa
1940s- note identical planes DO leave different contrails
due to different engine efficiencies and air masses

More B-17 bombers over Germany during WWII, with fighter escorts
overhead- all these pilots confirm that contrails "WOULD

This is a
NASA photo from a research project to
study wake vortex turbulent air currents behind aircraft. The
experiment involved C-130 airplanes and smoke generators on the
wingtips to observe the downward spiraling currents and their
efffect on following planes. I personally observed the aircraft
over my home for several days in 1997 during the experiment and
was disturbed until I had thoroughly checked it out and found
it harmless.
1995 false colour image made
from the NOAA 12
channels 1,2,4 and 5 of normal contrails over central Europe.
"Moist air was advected and lifted over an high pressure
area over
Central Europe from the North. According to this lifting it was
and became supersaturated with respect to ice. The cirrus clouds
Norway and Sweden are triggered by the flow over the Scandinavian
mountains. "
- Dr. Hermann Mannstein,
German Institute of Atmospheric Physics,

1981 NOAA photo of contrail at sunset

Photo from above and behind showing how the wake vortex causes
a "corkscrew"
effect which when seen from some angles can appear as "puffs"
along the contrails length.
-Photo credit DLR/ POLINAT
Apollo image at 110 miles over
the Pacific Ocean southwest of Los Angeles, California. According
to Dr. Patrick Minnis of the NASA and Dr. Hermann
Mannstein of DLR, this photo was misidentified as a contrail but
is in fact a
"ship trail" produced as the ship exhaust alters the
cloud formation
process and organizes the chaotic structures of the boundary
layer clouds into lines.
Satellite image of the North
Atlantic corridor shows contrails west of Great Britain and in
mid-Atlantic forming preferentially ahead of two different frontal
systems due to higher moisture as the front approaches.
Dogfights create contrails
over London's St. Pauls Cathedral during the Battle of Britain
in 1940- at sixty years one of the oldest contrail photos
Crewmen of an American ship
watch the contrails as American
and Japanese planes fight it out above Task Force 58 in the Great
Marianas Turkey Shoot on June 19, 1944.
War II Magazine
Note "Fall Streaks" streaming down from
these normal contrails in WWII
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